I was born in the UK and started my teaching career in Birmingham, England and I am now in my 42nd year of teaching. During that time I have worked in the UK, Malawi, Tanzania, Egypt and for the last 9 years at KISU. I came to KISU as the Head of Secondary before becoming School Director. As a teacher most of my career has been spent teaching Physics, but over the last few years I have been teaching ‘Learning to Learn’. How children learn and helping them learn is a real passion of mine. My wife, who works in our primary school, and I have 3 children all of whom were brought up in Malawi and Tanzania and see Africa as their home. I have always said that I would not work in a school that I would not want my children to attend. They are all well past school age but I would be more than happy to have our 3 grandchildren educated at KISU.

- Plot 447 Kyebando - Kisalosalo Rd, Kampala
- +256752 711 880
- schooldirector@kisu.com
Terry Garbett
School Director/ Head of Secondary